Monday, February 28, 2005

Fire in blogs

I just heard of a couple of shocking and not so shocking news about blogs. I heard of a guy from Google getting fired because of some remarks made on the company, after just two weeks of joining. Kiruba in his blog says, aptly enough, that one should not bite the hands that feed! A point well mentioned sir.

The silver-lining on this cloud is blogs are getting noticed. Work place, like love life, should be something that is very much private, I suppose. I mean, what is the point in exposing all the gory details to the world. It really makes not much of a point, though for the sake of democracy and stuff one may insist on it. But democracy again is rare these days - one finds more of hypocrisy!

I think people have taken the blogs too much to heart. If one starts criticising his bread provider, for reasons that may be eminently valid for him, it would still make a lot of horse sense to keep it out of such public forums. Besides, if you write well, your employers would know too!

Also writing too much is not a good idea anyways, whatever be the subject. Unless of course, you belong to the elite lobby of the press. If I were to write candidly about my friends here, I am sure the only one that would remain on my list at the end of the day will be my dog. So, I would love to be a bit discreet in here. :)

I am sure there will be people who dont agree much to my line of thinking. Lets make a compromise with the world - I wont throw a stone at you, and you wont bark at me either.

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